Citizenship Granted after Prior Denial

Jose* was a legal permanent resident who joined the Army National Guard at the age of seventeen. He served the United States honorably for eight years. However, when Jose applied for citizenship (with a different attorney), his citizenship was denied and he was referred to deportation proceedings. Jose’s citizenship application was initially denied due to […]
100% Approval Rate…

We have 100% approval rate on most cases, including: Relative Petitions, Waivers, U Visas, Green Cards, Asylum, and many more! Our in-depth fact-finding process and high-quality representation bring you the best chance of success. Complex cases are more difficult to win, but not impossible. We have won many cases that other attorneys said were impossible. […]
Women Saved from Gang Violence in El Salvador

Maria fled El Salvador with her daughter, Julia, and granddaughter, Jasmine, after Julia’s husband was killed by MS gang members. The MS held a gun to Julia’s head while her husband was murdered, and Julia narrowly escaped being killed herself. The gang members then targeted and threatened Maria and held her hostage in her own […]
Rodrigo Martinez i-601A granted

Rodrigo Martinez was facing a ten year penalty for having remained in the United States for more than one year without permission. We submitted evidence of the hardship that a ten year separation would have on his United States Citizen wife and children, asking for USCIS to waive the ten year bar. Five months later, […]
Alex Flores | Deportation Defense Granted (After Another Attorney Said It Was Impossible)

Alex is married to a U.S. Citizen wife, and they have two U.S. citizen daughters. Alex was apprehended by immigration and detained for over seven months without bond, because he had a previous deportation order, several drug possession offenses, and a conviction for battery on his record. Immigration was about to remove Alex without a […]
Cancellation of Removal Granted

José retained our office only two months before his final deportation hearing. We hit the ground running, gathering documentation and submitting a detailed legal brief in advance of the final hearing. At the final hearing, we presented evidence that José’s daughter, who had a medical condition that required an implanted device in her head and […]