We Are Hiring!
Would you like to work with the #1 rated immigration law firm in Aurora, IL? The Immigration Law Office of Moises L. Barraza is a family-run practice dedicated to providing high-quality, trustworthy immigration services to individuals and families. We are looking to add more employees to our team to assist with the ever-growing need for […]
What Immigrants Should Expect Under a Biden Presidency

Immigrants, especially Dreamers, should prepare for new opportunities for legalization. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed multiple executive orders positively impacting immigrants, including: Preserving DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) DACA continues, providing work authorization for Dreamers. DACA recipients may have an immediate pathway to citizenship in the future. Ending the […]
Trump’s Executive Order Stopping Immigration During COVID-19: What it Means and What it Doesn’t

President Trump has officially stopped immigration into the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative affect on the U.S. economy. There have been a lot of questions about what Trump’s executive order means for immigrants and their families. We will explain what the executive order means and what it does not. Who […]
Orden ejecutiva de Trump que detiene la inmigración durante COVID-19: Qué significa y qué no significa

El presidente Trump oficialmente ha detenido la inmigración a los Estados Unidos debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 y su efecto negativo en la economía estadounidense. Ha habido muchas preguntas sobre lo que significa la orden ejecutiva de Trump para los inmigrantes y sus familias. Explicaremos qué significa la orden ejecutiva y que no significa. […]

Citizenship Requirement No Longer an Obstacle for Immigrants Seeking Plumbers Licenses in Illinois (April 9, 2020) — During a presidential administration that has seemingly provided lots of bad news for “Dreamers” — those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — a breath of fresh air has been reached in Illinois. A DACA recipient, “Jose,” […]
Como Prepararse Para Una Redada de ICE

En preparación para las redadas que El Presidente Trump esta planeando, recomendamos que revise los siguientes enlaces para conocer sus derechos. Después de abrir los enlaces, puede imprimirlos (o hacer un screenshot con su teléfono) si desea guardarlos con usted. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, ofrecemos consultas con el Abogado Moises Barraza para hablar sobre […]
Attorney Moises Barraza Presents at the Kane County Bar Association

Moises Barraza was honored to join other prestigious immigration attorneys as a presenter at the Kane County Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education Course on Immigration. Attorney Barraza spoke on the topic of “U Visas: The Magic Fix?” In his presentation, Mr. Barraza introduced other attorneys to the basics of recognizing clients’ eligibility for the U […]
Myth-Busting the State of the Union Address

Last night’s State of the Union Address by President Donald Trump included multiple statements regarding immigration, but not all were accurate. 1. Myth: “The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation’s most dangerous […]
Asylum Applicants At The Border Are Undocumented But Not Illegal

Those Claiming Asylum Should Not Be Treated As Criminals Contrary to misunderstandings circulating amongst the general public, undocumented immigrants seeking to enter the U.S. with a legitimate asylum claim are not illegal. “Asylum applicants at the border are being treated like criminals,” said Moises Barraza, Attorney from the Immigration Law Office of Moises L. Barraza. […]
DACA applicants: Beware of Immigration Fraud

DACA applicants should be especially careful to avoid immigration fraud while seeking longterm legalization strategies and options. Many non-attorneys helped fill out paperwork and submit DACA applications, but longterm legalization requires comprehensive screening and legal advice from an immigration attorney. Beware of non-attorneys (often selling their services as form-fillers or “notarios”) who offer cheap options […]