DACA: Phase Out and Call to Action

President Trump has ordered that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program be phased out, calling on Congress to pass a permanent legislative solution instead. Individuals with approved DACA status or pending DACA renewals will continue their normal process and their status will be valid until it expires. The Immigration Law Office of Moises […]

Acción Diferida: Eliminación Gradual y Llamado a Tomar Acción

El Presidente Trump ha ordenado que el programa de Acción Diferida (“DACA”) sea eliminado gradualmente, pidiendo al congreso que apruebe una solución permanente. Personas que ya tienen estatus de DACA o renovaciones pendientes de DACA continuaran su proceso normal y su estatus será valido hasta que se expire. La Oficina Legal de Inmigración de Moises […]

BE INFORMED, NOT AFRAID: How Immigrants Should Respond to a Trump Presidency, Part 2

The U.S. Constitution Promotes Justice The Founding Fathers created the United States Government with three different branches to avoid giving one person too much control. The U.S. President is not a monarch with limitless power. Rather, the Constitution balances power between the different branches, giving each one specific responsibilities. The branches must also work together […]

How Immigrants Should Respond to a Trump Presidency

1. Keep calm and carry on. Our political system is arranged to keep a check on the president’s power. In other words, for a president to make lasting changes on the immigration situation in our country, the president must work in cooperation with Congress. President Obama did not work with Congress, and the minor immigration […]

Aurora area immigrants advised not to panic, be wary of scams

An Aurora-area immigration lawyer is urging immigrants not to panic and to get informed about legalization options after President-elect Donald Trump said he planned to deport 2 or 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. “There are already policies in place that make those with criminal records a deportation priority,” attorney Moises Barraza said. “So […]

Don’t Wait for an Immigration Raid

In a compelling testimony printed in National Catholic Reporter, an employer shares about the damage caused to his company and the destruction suffered by honest, hard-working immigrant families because of an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid. The employer writes how his Irish immigrant-American family’s small business lost $600,000 in two years when it lost […]